REPORT► Teaching Plan #1

Tuesday, 13th of August.
My presence in Thailand had reached the second week, and as scheduled, that was time to create my teaching plans. Starting off from Ms. Seelakun's teaching plan, I learned to develop my own. Here is how my first teaching plan was created:

 1.1 Curriculum 
Thailand's teaching plan, just like Indonesia's, is based on a core. The teaching plan is developed from learning standards which will then be developed into objectives. The objectives of learning will be gained through the learning process which is called "Procedures"

Steps in making the teaching plan:
1. start with the Identity of the teaching plan
The identity of teaching plan consists of: title, learning unit, subject, teaching plan about (focus), grade, course code, time allotment, teacher's name, and cooperating teacher's name.

2. consult the material with the learning standards and indicators
The learning standards and indicators is provided within "The Basic Core Curriculum" B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) by the Ministry of Education, Thailand.

3. determine the Main Concept & Rationale, and Enduring Understanding for the teaching

4. develop the objectives of the learning by consulting with the learning standards

5. determine the students competencies and outcomes that are expected

6. mentioned the language features involved during the learning process

7. state the steps of the teaching, or the procedure

8. list the teaching aids that are going to be used in teaching

9. plan how the evaluation of teaching will be done

10. provide a post teaching form containing learning management results, barriers, suggestion for corrections, and suggestion from cooperating teacher

 1.2 Teaching Plan 
Below is the full version of my teaching plan.


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